With our position as a premium supplier, our sales team try to ensure you receive the best possible fees for your images.
The majority of our clients have pricing agreements with us that have been reached with careful consideration to secure long-term repeat business.

Your Royalties
Payments are made monthly via Paypal or Bank transfer. There is a GBP 200 minimum threshold for payments to keep any bank or Paypal fees to a minimum. After six months, if there are no further sales, the payment will be released.
To avoid royalty payment delays, keep your contact details updated in your account. For any bank or Paypal changes, please email accounts@arcangel.com
Royalties are paid out monthly, either on the first of the month or the 15th.
Once we have collected payments from our clients, our accounts team will email you a sales statement, and payment will be made. Contributors receive 50% of all collected fees.
We process a very high volume of sales every week. Therefore, we kindly ask contributors not to chase accounts or sales teams for updates. Remember, if you don't get paid, neither do we.

US/ Canadian contributors
W9/W8-BEN forms
Before processing your royalty payments, we must legally have the necessary signed documentation on file. In addition, a new copy of each is needed should you change residence, which is essential for ensuring any tax documentation is posted to the correct address.
If you are a US Citizen (including those holding dual citizenship), regardless of country of residence, we require a completed copy of your W-9.
Canadian citizens and residents require a completed W-8BEN
Please send your forms to accounts@arcangel.com